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Être un consommateur responsable au quotidien


Be a responsible consumer on a daily basis

Much more than a fashion or a new trend, Being a more responsible consumer is everyone's business . More and more people are beginning to realize this and change their habits to have a positive environmental, societal and economic impact . But it is not always easy to know what gestures to adopt in your daily life. To help you, here are our tips for consuming responsibly every day and 19 concrete examples to take action.

What does it mean to be a more responsible consumer on a daily basis?

What do we mean by responsible consumption?

To consume is to validate a way of doing things!

Our way of life has consequences on the world around us: nature, people... Anyone who is aware of this and works to make informed choices participates in the development of ethical actions that respect life in all its forms. . Here we are at the heart of the definition of responsible consumption: taking responsibility in one's decisions to limit the negative impacts they generate. Responsible consumption honors three major issues: environmental, societal and economic. It is therefore :

  • reduce the harmful effects of our behavior on nature (and preserve the fauna, flora, biodiversity, etc.);
  • respect the workers (their working conditions, their age, etc.);
  • promote the economy around sustainable development.

The responsible consumer profile

Anyone who tends to do their best in their daily choices is on the path to responsible consumption.

Becoming aware and deciding to put in place, little by little, gestures respectful of the three pillars (environment, society, economy) allows you to move from being a consumer
passive to consum'actor. Depending on the personality of each, some will be more inclined to act for the environment, by favoring ecological modes of transport for example. Others will be more sensitive to human or economic issues and will favor French companies.

There is therefore no real typical profile of the responsible consumer, except that he wants to have a positive impact on the world and that he takes the necessary actions.

3 steps to become a consum'actor and have a positive impact every day

1. Become aware of how you consume

To become a responsible consumer, becoming aware of the impact of one's lifestyle is the first essential step: questioning oneself about one's habits and their consequences. Which are not ethical, sustainable, green-friendly? What can be improved?

There are many areas in which to question and act on a daily basis: at home, in the kitchen, in transport, for purchases...

2. Change your habits little by little

Once the awareness is made, it is time to put in place actions to consume less, but better.

Adopting the right gestures to be a more responsible consumer on a daily basis can seem like a huge change. The mountain of things to change sometimes seems insurmountable and if you want to do the right thing too much, you may lose your motivation and give up.

But rest assured, you don't have to do everything perfectly to start having a positive impact. Every gesture counts. A small step is always better than none. So, exit the pressure and we start 1 action!

3. Keep up the momentum

Once a gesture is undertaken, after a few weeks, it becomes a habit. It is therefore no longer an effort to make, but a completely normal behavior in everyday life. It remains only to keep it in time, and then add a new one to his routine. Indeed, it is much easier to implement one change at a time.

Adopting the actions of an eco-responsible consumer: 19 examples to inspire you

Well, the theory is good, but in practice, how? What simple and concrete actions to take to become a consum'actor? Here are examples of responsible actions that you can easily implement in everyday life.

In the kitchen

1- Avoid waste and check expiry dates. Do not overload your refrigerator at the risk of having to throw away half of the products found a little too late at the bottom of the fridge. This will reduce your waste and reduce your expenses.

2- Go to bulk stores with reusable bags to take the quantity really necessary for your needs and avoid unnecessary packaging.

3- Opt for organic and seasonal food. Prefer small local producers, short circuits and promote sustainable agriculture. If you are not a vegetarian, reduce your consumption of meat and fish by favoring quality rather than quantity.

4- Cook more homemade preparations. This limits the addition of questionable ingredients that can be found in many ready-to-eat dishes. You avoid over-packaging and you eat healthier.

At home

5 - Don't let the water run unnecessarily while brushing your teeth or in the shower.

6 - Run your appliances such as the washing machine and the dishwasher when they are full. Avoid half loads.

7 - Lower the thermostat of your heating. 1 degree less already makes a big difference! A house where it is too hot is neither good for you nor for the environment.

8 - Turn off the lights when you are not in a room.

9 - Display a "Stop Pub!" to your mailbox to reduce ad impressions. If you feel like it, embellish it with a pretty drawing and a courteous note for your postman.

10 - Opt for a green electricity supplier. Greenpeace has provided a comparative guide to help you choose greener energy . The change is very easy.

11 - Delete unnecessary data from the Internet: sort through your e-mails and your files stored in the Cloud.

12 - Use green and non-toxic household products for you, those around you and the planet. Many natural ingredients are very effective in cleaning your interior: black soap, white vinegar, baking soda...

In the transports

13 - Favor ecological travel, such as walking or cycling. This will reduce your carbon footprint and be good for your health. For longer distances, opt for public transport as soon as possible.

14 - If you must use your car, reduce your speed and drive smoothly. This greatly reduces your fuel consumption and pollutes less.

For purchases

15 - When you go shopping, remember to take tote bags with you to avoid the traditional disposable bags.

16 - Take care of your things to keep them longer. And why not give them a second life through upcycling?

17 - Do not succumb to all the latest fashions on a whim. Sort through what you already have and see what you really need: stationery, clothes, computer equipment, telephones….

18 - Favor ethical and responsible brands that offer better quality items compared to the labels of large retailers. You will keep them much longer and will be fully satisfied with your purchase. Making this choice is also the way to ensure that workers are well treated and work in good conditions.

19 - Opt for sustainable materials that respect the environment: organic cotton, linen, hemp, bamboo, fruit fibers such as Pinatex®. And there you have it, we hope you have found some new gestures to adopt in your daily life. The list is obviously not exhaustive, but can help you take another step towards more responsible consumption.