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Citrine : Vertus, Propriétés et Signification de la Pierre

Stone Guide

Citrine: Virtues, Properties and Meaning of the Stone

Citrine, a vibrant solar stone with its shades ranging from pale yellow to deep golden brown, is one of the most appreciated gems for its luminous beauty and energetic properties. This variety of quartz takes its name from the French word "lemon", in reference to its zesty color.

History & Origins

Ancient Civilizations

Citrine was used and cherished by ancient civilizations for its color reminiscent of sunlight. The Greeks used it as early as the first century BCE to create engraved gems and jewelry. In the Roman Empire, it was often used to adorn rings and intaglios, appreciated for its transparency and warm hue.

Ancient cultures believed in its powers as a talisman capable of protecting against snake bites, the evil eye, and even offering protection against negative thoughts. It was also said to attract abundance and prosperity, a belief that persists to this day.

Medieval and Renaissance Age

In the Middle Ages, citrine was used as a decorative stone and as a meditation aid, believed to calm and soothe the mind. Merchants of the Renaissance era kept it in their crates, believing that it would attract wealth and ward off bad business.

From the 18th century to today

Interest in citrine experienced a revival in the 18th century, when significant discoveries of deposits in Brazil made the stone more accessible. During the 19th and 20th centuries, citrine became a popular element in Art Deco jewelry, often combined with other gemstones to create opulent and colorful pieces.

Throughout history, citrine has been valued not only for its aesthetic beauty but also for its symbolic and metaphysical virtues. Its vibrant color, evoking the light and warmth of the sun, continues to inspire and attract those seeking both vibrancy in their personal style and abundance in their lives. Its rich history adds to the depth and meaning of this gemstone, making citrine a popular choice for those who desire a gem with a history as radiant as its appearance.

Citrine Provenance


Citrine, known for its sunny hues ranging from pale yellow to golden brown, is primarily mined in quartz-rich regions around the world. Although relatively abundant, the quality and color of citrine can vary significantly depending on its provenance, thus influencing its value and appeal.


Brazil is the main producer of high quality citrine. Deposits located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul are particularly renowned for producing a wide range of citrines, from light yellows to rich golden browns. The variety and abundance of Brazilian citrines make them a preferred source for global gemological markets.


Madagascar is another important mining location, known for its particularly brightly colored citrines. Stones from this region can exhibit exceptional clarity and colors ranging from golden yellow to deep orange, making Malagasy citrines popular choices for luxury jewelry.


Zambia, although best known for its emeralds, also produces citrine. Zambian deposits offer stones of a unique yellow hue, often with a touch of green, which distinguishes them from citrines from other regions.

Other Sources

Other countries, such as Russia, Bolivia, and the United States, have deposits of citrine, although less abundant. These sources can produce citrines with distinct characteristics that reflect the unique geological conditions of each site.

Provenance plays an essential role in the diversity and beauty of citrine. Each deposit makes its unique contribution to the color palette and qualities of this stone, enriching the market with a variety of choices for enthusiasts and collectors. Regional differences in hue, clarity and size offer a range of options for those looking to incorporate the warmth and energy of citrine into their lives, whether through jewelry, decoration or practice spiritual.


Citrine, an enchanting member of the quartz family, captivates with its range of solar colors, from pale amber to deep golden brown. This semi-precious stone is distinguished by several notable characteristics which contribute to its popularity in jewelry and lithotherapy.


The most distinctive characteristic of citrine is its color. The presence of iron in quartz gives it its yellow to orange hue. Color can vary greatly, from light lemon yellow, symbolizing clarity and freshness, to deep golden brown, evoking richness and warmth. This variation provides flexibility in jewelry design and stone selection for specific purposes.

Clarity and Transparency

Citrine is generally characterized by excellent clarity, with few visible inclusions, making it particularly attractive for jewelry pieces where the brightness of the stone is paramount. Its transparency can range from transparent to translucent, making each stone unique.


Although less common in citrine than in some other stones, such as aventurine, a slight aventurine can sometimes be observed. This manifests itself as a subtle metallic shimmer or shine, due to small mineral inclusions.


With a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, citrine is durable enough to withstand everyday wear and tear, making it a popular choice for rings, bracelets, and other types of jewelry that may be exposed to harsh weather. shocks. However, as with all quartz, it remains vulnerable to scratches from harder materials.

Thermal Properties

Citrine can change color when exposed to high temperatures. This trait is sometimes exploited to artificially enhance the color of less saturated stones. It is important to note that these treatments may affect the value of the stone.


Natural citrine is relatively rare. Many citrines available on the market are actually amethysts or smoky quartz heat treated to achieve their desired yellow color. The distinction between natural citrine and treated citrine is crucial for collectors and gem enthusiasts.

The combination of these characteristics makes citrine a gemstone valued not only for its beauty and durability but also for its metaphysical qualities. Its sunny glow and color palette offer a variety of options for those looking to add a touch of light and positivity to their everyday life.

Virtues & Properties

Citrine, with its sunny hues, is more than just an attractive gem; it is also renowned for its many virtues and beneficial properties. Considered the stone of prosperity, joy and energy, citrine carries positive energy that can significantly influence physical and emotional well-being.

Energetic and Metaphysical Virtues

  1. Prosperity and Abundance

    Citrine is often called the "merchant's stone" for its ability to attract wealth and prosperity. It is said to promote success in business and investments, encouraging generosity while accumulating wealth.

  2. Positive Energy

    This gem is renowned for its ability to dispel negative energies from its surroundings and promote a flow of positive energy. It is an ideal stone to enhance optimism and joy of life.

  3. Mental Clarity

    Citrine stimulates intellect, creativity and concentration. It helps clarify thoughts, facilitating decision-making and problem-solving. Additionally, it is said to strengthen willpower and determination.


Physical Health Benefits

  1. Support for the Digestive System

    Citrine is traditionally associated with the health of the digestive system. It is believed to promote good digestion and can help fight stomach infections.

  2. Relaxation and Sleep

    Although it is an energizing stone, citrine can also help combat insomnia by encouraging relaxation and calming nervous tension, promoting restful sleep.

  3. Harmonization of the Chakras

    Citrine is particularly linked to the solar plexus chakra, the center of personal will and energy. By harmonizing this chakra, citrine can help increase self-confidence, personal dynamism and the ability to move forward with confidence and optimism.


Uses in Lithotherapy

In lithotherapy, citrine is used for its curative and energetic properties. It is often recommended to boost motivation, combat fatigue and alleviate feelings of depression or worry. Its inner light is said to warm the soul, awaken the spirit and inspire personal and spiritual growth.

Citrine, with its multiple virtues, is a precious stone that enriches life not only through its natural beauty but also through its ability to improve general well-being. It invites joy, success and fulfillment, making it a gem of choice for those seeking to improve their quality of life on all levels.


Maintaining the splendor and vibrant energy of citrine requires proper maintenance. This solar stone, while being relatively resistant, benefits from specific care to maintain its luminosity and beneficial properties over time.

Citrine Cleansing

To clean citrine, use lukewarm water and mild soap. Rub the stone gently with a soft cloth or soft-bristled brush to remove dust and residue. Avoid using harsh chemical cleaners that could damage the stone. After cleaning, rinse the citrine thoroughly with clean water and dry it with a soft cloth to avoid water marks or mineral deposits.


Although citrine has good hardness, it can crack or chip if hit with force. Store it separately from other jewelry to avoid scratches or damage.

Citrine can lose its color if exposed to direct sunlight for too long. Although it likes light to recharge, it is advisable to limit prolonged exposure to intense rays.

Citrine Recharging

Natural Light

The best way to recharge your citrine is to place it in the sun during the early morning hours or at sunset to avoid too intense exposure. Natural sunlight nourishes the stone, enhancing its energies and luminosity.

Lunar Light

Placing citrine under the light of the moon, especially during a full moon, is a gentle method of recharging the stone, infusing calming and purifying energies.


For a deep recharge, bury your citrine in the ground overnight. This allows the stone to reconnect with the energy of the earth, revitalizing its life force.

Other Crystals

Citrine can also be recharged by placing it near other charger crystals, like rock crystal or amethyst, which can help cleanse and recharge your stone's energy.

By following these care and recharging tips, you can help your citrine maintain its vibrant beauty and energetic virtues, ensuring that this stone continues to bring light, joy and abundance into your life.

Citrine, with its glow reminiscent of warmth and sunlight, is much more than a gemstone; it is a symbol of joy, prosperity and motivation. By caring for your citrine through regular cleaning and proper recharging, you not only preserve its natural beauty, but you also enhance its beneficial properties. This luminous gem has the power to illuminate the darkest aspects of our lives, bringing a touch of optimism and promoting abundance in all its forms. Citrine invites us to embrace the inner light that guides us toward well-being and fulfillment, reminding us that even in the darkest times, there is always a source of light and hope.