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Labradorite : Vertus, Propriétés et Signification de la Pierre

Gemstone Guide

Labradorite: Benefits, Properties and Meaning of the Stone

Labradorite, with its mesmerizing play of colors and mystical depth, is a stone that has fascinated mankind since its discovery. Known for its spectacular labradorescence effect - metallic reflections in blue, green, yellow and sometimes even pink or violet - this semi-precious stone is much more than just an ornament. It is loaded with spiritual meaning and healing powers.

History & Origins

Labradorite, a stone that captures the mystical essence of the northern lights with its shimmering reflections, has a rich history that blends legend and reality. First discovered on Canada's Labrador Peninsula in the late 18th century, this semi-precious stone immediately captured attention for its unique labradorescence: a spectacular play of colors that seems to dance on the stone's surface.

Native legends

Even before its official discovery by Europeans, labradorite was known and revered by Canada's aboriginal peoples. According to an ancient Inuit legend, labradorite contains the northern lights captured in the stone. The Inuit believed that stones falling from the icy sky illuminated the world with their magical glow. This belief underscores the deep connection between nature and spirituality in native cultures, attributing to labradorite a sacred power and meaning.

Geographical expansion

Although Labrador remains the most famous site of discovery, other important labradorite deposits have been found around the world, including in Norway, Madagascar, Australia, Mexico, the USA and Russia. Each region brings its own variety to the beauty of labradorite, with variations in color patterns and intensity of labradorescence.

Labradorite in Culture and History

Beyond its natural beauty, labradorite has occupied a place in various cultures and historical periods as a protective talisman and source of spiritual inspiration. In some traditions, it was used by healers and shamans as a power stone aiding navigation on spiritual journeys and protection against negative energies.

Over the centuries, labradorite has crossed seas and continents, captivating the imaginations of jewelers, collectors and spiritual practitioners alike. Its popularity has continued to grow, in part due to its fascinating beauty, but also because of its reputation as a stone of transformation and protection.

Labradorite continues to fascinate and inspire, connecting those who wear it to the ancient mysteries of earth and sky. Its history and origins testify to the deep connection between natural wonders and humanity's spiritual quests, offering a bridge between the visible and the invisible.

Labradorite Provenance


Labradorite is a fascinating stone whose provenance adds another layer to its mystery and beauty. Although it takes its name from Canada's Labrador Peninsula, where it was first discovered, labradorite is mined in various parts of the world, each offering unique specimens with variations in color and quality.

Main deposits


The original site of labradorite's discovery, the Labrador Peninsula, remains an iconic location for this stone. Canadian specimens are renowned for their superior quality and exceptional labradorescence.


The island of Madagascar is famous for its labradorite deposits, producing stones with a wide range of colors and intensities of labradorescence. Madagascar labradorites are often noted for their spectacular hues.

Australia, Norway and Mexico

These countries are also known for their labradorite deposits, each contributing to the overall diversity of this stone on the market. Regional variations in chemical composition and geological conditions are reflected in the unique characteristics of the stones mined.

United States and Russia

Although less famous for labradorite than the sites mentioned above, these two countries also have deposits, further expanding the availability and variety of this gem on the international market.

Impact of Provenance

The provenance of labradorite can influence not only the aesthetic aspects of the stone, such as its color and brilliance, but also its value. Collectors and stone enthusiasts may seek out specimens from specific regions because of their unique characteristics or perceived rarity.

Labradorite continues to capture the imagination of people around the world, not only for its natural beauty and energetic properties, but also for the geological story it tells through its provenance. Each piece of labradorite is a testament to the Earth's history, offering a tangible link between the ancient past and the present.


Labradorite, a member of the feldspar family, is distinguished by its remarkable labradorescence, a play of color and light that seems to capture the very essence of the aurora borealis. This unique characteristic lends labradorite a special appeal, both to gemstone collectors and to those seeking to enrich their spiritual practice. Here's a look at what makes labradorite such a fascinating gem.


Labradorescence is the optical phenomenon responsible for the iridescent colors seen on labradorite's surface. This color spectacle is due to the diffraction of light in the inner layers of the stone, creating reflections ranging from deep blue to green, gold, pink and sometimes violet.


Labradorite's basic color ranges from dark gray to black, but it's the labradorescence that gives it its spectacular colors. The quality and intensity of these colors can vary considerably from one stone to another, making each labradorite unique.


Labradorite is a mineral of the plagioclase family, a type of feldspar. It is composed mainly of sodium and calcium silicate.


Labradorite has a hardness of 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale, making it a relatively resistant stone, but susceptible to scratching by harder materials. This hardness makes it suitable for a variety of jewelry uses, although it does require some care to avoid damage.

Clarity and transparency

Labradorite can vary from translucent to opaque. Higher-quality stones have a clarity that allows the labradorescence effect to be better appreciated, while more opaque stones can offer a more subtle but equally captivating play of colors.

Labradorite's unique characteristics make it more than just a gemstone; they reflect the complexity and beauty of nature itself. Labradorescence is a reminder that even in the rawest, darkest material there can be unsuspected beauty, revealed in the right light. This ability to transform light into a kaleidoscope of colors makes labradorite a source of inspiration and a reminder of the magic present in the natural world.

Benefits & Properties

Labradorite is renowned not only for its mesmerizing beauty, but also for its many benefits and beneficial properties, both physical and spiritual. It is often called the "magician's stone" for its powerful metaphysical energies.

Emotional and spiritual properties

  1. Energetic protection

    Labradorite is considered a powerful protector, forming a barrier against negative energies. It helps preserve energetic balance and protects the aura.

  2. Intuition and Wisdom

    Promoting the awakening of intuition and psychic abilities, labradorite is often used to access a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe. It stimulates clairvoyance, astral travel and the discovery of inner truths.

  3. Transformation

    Known for facilitating change and encouraging strength and perseverance, Labradorite is ideal for those going through periods of transition or transformation. It helps overcome fears and insecurities, illuminating the path to progress and personal evolution.


Physical benefits

  1. Stress and Anxiety Reduction

    Labradorite's soothing presence can help reduce stress and anxiety, offering a sense of calm and serenity.

  2. Hormonal Balance and Metabolism

    Some stone healing practices attribute to labradorite the ability to balance hormones and regulate metabolism, contributing to overall physical well-being.


Therapeutic uses

  1. Meditation and spiritual practices

    Used as a meditation tool, labradorite can help deepen meditation, strengthening spiritual connection and facilitating access to higher levels of consciousness.

  2. Creativity and inspiration

    By unlocking creative energies, labradorite encourages self-expression and inspiration, making it invaluable for artists, writers and all those seeking to stimulate their creativity.


Labradorite, with its protective, intuitive and transformative qualities, offers a wide range of benefits for mind, body and soul. Its mystical energy and healing properties make it a stone of choice for those seeking to enrich their spiritual journey and enhance their overall well-being.


To preserve labradorite's unique splendor and maintain its energetic properties, proper care and maintenance are essential. Although robust, labradorite requires special attention to ensure that it remains as captivating and powerful as on its first day.

Cleaning Labradorite

Use lukewarm water and mild soap to gently clean your labradorite. Avoid chemical or abrasive cleaners that could scratch the surface or alter the stone's luster.

After cleaning, be sure to dry your labradorite carefully with a soft cloth to avoid any moisture build-up that could affect its labradorescence.

Usage precautions

Abrupt temperature changes and impacts can damage labradorite. Take particular care during handling and storage to prevent cracking or breakage.

To protect labradorite from scratches and damage, store it separately from other jewelry, preferably in a soft fabric pouch or an individual compartment in a jewelry box.

Labradorite, with its changing reflections and profound metaphysical benefits, is a stone that inspires both wonder and introspection. Its protective, intuitive and transformative properties make it an invaluable ally on the spiritual and emotional journey, offering support and guidance to those who wear it. Careful maintenance of this mystical gem preserves its beauty and powers, ensuring that it continues to be a source of inspiration and magic in your life.

Whether you're drawn to labradorite for its captivating labradorescence, its healing properties or its protective energy, this stone remains a treasure of nature, a bridge between the visible and invisible, between the earth and the stars. By cherishing and nurturing your labradorite, you honor its inner light and infinite gifts, connecting you to the ancient wisdom and endless beauty of the universe.