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Turquoise : Vertus, Propriétés et Signification de la Pierre

Stone Guide

Turquoise: Virtues, Properties and Meaning of the Stone

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of turquoise, a celestial stone with protective and healing properties. Turquoise is not only a gemstone with mesmerizing hues; she is a symbol of immortality, courage and true friendship, enriching the lives of those she touches. Discover how this ancient gem can enrich your spiritual and physical well-being.

History & Origins

Turquoise, with its characteristic hue ranging from sky blue to sea green, is one of the oldest gemstones known to humanity, embodying the richness and mystery of the civilizations that cherished it. Its history is woven into the very fabric of cultures across the world, revealing its importance and reverence across the millennia.


The use of turquoise dates back over 5,000 years. Ancient Egyptians mined this gem in the Sinai Peninsula, using it to adorn jewelry, amulets, and even funerary masks, firmly believing in its protective properties and connection to the afterlife. Turquoise was also discovered in royal tombs, indicating its association with power and immortality.

In ancient Mesopotamia, turquoise was incorporated into artifacts and jewelry, symbolizing status and wealth. It played a significant role in religious beliefs and funerary practices, often associated with major deities.

The Pre-Columbian Americas

Long before the arrival of Europeans, the indigenous peoples of America valued turquoise not only for its beauty but also for its spiritual strength. The Aztecs, in particular, used it in ceremonial masks, weapons and jewelry, considering it sacred and capable of communicating with the spiritual world.

In the American Southwest, Anasazi and Hohokam cultures mined and traded turquoise, using the stone in ceremonies to attract rain and promote land fertility.

Cultural and Commercial Influence

Throughout the centuries, turquoise has continued to play a vital cultural and commercial role, crossing continents and civilizations. Its trade contributed to the establishment of trade routes between producing regions and distant markets, thus promoting cultural and economic exchange.

Turquoise has maintained its place of honor in many cultures, symbolizing wisdom, tranquility and protection. It is particularly prized in Native American traditions, where it continues to be used in art, jewelry and rituals, embodying the harmony between earth and sky.

Turquoise's long history and varied origins attest to its universal appeal and deep meaning throughout the ages. Its unique color, often associated with the sky and water, recalls the importance of nature and the cosmos in human life, making turquoise a stone of inestimable wealth, both on a material and spiritual level.

Turquoise from Arizona


Turquoise is a fascinating gemstone with deposits scattered across the world, each offering unique variations that enrich its palette of colors and patterns. Provenance plays a crucial role in the characterization of turquoise, influencing both its value and aesthetic properties.

Main deposits

Iran (Persia): Historically considered the birthplace of the highest quality turquoise, Iran produces turquoise renowned for its deep sky blue color without veins. The Nishapur mines, in particular, have been famous for centuries.

Southwestern United States

Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada are home to significant deposits of turquoise, each producing stones with distinctive characteristics. American turquoise is often marked by a matrix of veins, giving it a unique and highly sought-after appearance.


Mexican deposits also produce quality turquoise, with blue to green variations and an often visible matrix that can vary in color from gold to brown.


China is another major producer of turquoise, offering a wide range of colors, from almost green turquoise to lighter blues. Chinese stones often feature a complex matrix and are valued for their distinctive beauty.

Influence of Provenance on Turquoise

Provenance not only influences the color and appearance of turquoise but also its cultural significance and market value. For example, Persian turquoise is often considered the gold standard due to its pure color and rich history, while turquoise from the American Southwest is celebrated for its uniqueness and connection to Native American cultures.

Sustainability and Conservation

The issue of sustainability of turquoise deposits has become a growing concern, with responsible mining practices and conservation of natural sites essential to preserving this valuable resource for future generations. Turquoise provenance may also reflect efforts made to ensure ethical and sustainable mining of the stone.

Turquoise, with its shades of blue and green and rich cultural history, is a global treasure whose provenance adds to the depth of its allure and appeal. Whether it's the intense shades of blue of Persian turquoise or the distinctive patterns of American Southwest turquoise, each stone tells a unique story, making provenance a key element in the appreciation of this ancient and revered gem.


Turquoise, loved for its captivating hues and its presence in cultures across the world, has unique characteristics that make it stand out among gemstones. These attributes not only define its appearance but also influence its use in jewelry and its importance in various cultural and spiritual practices.


The most notable characteristic of turquoise is its color, which can vary from sky blue to emerald green. The presence of copper in the chemical composition of the stone gives it its distinct blue hue, while traces of iron can give turquoise a greener hue. The saturation and intensity of color is strongly influenced by the provenance of the stone, with some regions producing stones of a particularly vivid blue or green.


The matrix, or veins, is another distinctive element of turquoise. These are inclusions of other minerals or the host rock that may appear as vein patterns or spots. The matrix is ​​not only seen as an imperfection; in many cases it adds to the stone's unique beauty and individual character. Matrix patterns vary greatly and can be black, brown or even gold, contributing to the uniqueness of each stone.


On the Mohs scale, turquoise has a relatively low hardness, between 5 and 6. This means it is more likely to be scratched or damaged than harder stones. This characteristic requires special care when wearing, cleaning and storing turquoise jewelry to preserve its beauty.


Turquoise is a porous stone, which means it can absorb liquids or oils, potentially altering its color and luster. This porosity has led to the practice of treating turquoise, particularly by stabilization, to improve its durability and prevent color change.


Beyond its physical characteristics, turquoise is loaded with meanings and symbolism. It is often associated with protection, healing and spiritual communication. Many cultures believe that turquoise brings good luck, wards off the evil eye, and promotes clear communication.

Turquoise's unique characteristics, from its alluring color to its expressive matrix, make this stone a popular choice in creating jewelry and art objects. Its rich history and cultural significance add an extra layer of meaning to each piece. Although relatively soft and porous, with proper care, turquoise can last for generations, continuing to captivate and charm with its natural beauty and positive energy.

Virtues & Properties

Turquoise, a precious stone revered for its ethereal beauty and celestial color, is also recognized for its many virtues and properties. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, this ancient gem offers an array of benefits for the body, mind and soul, rooted in centuries of spiritual and cultural traditions.

Healing Properties

  1. Physical Healing

    Traditionally, turquoise is renowned for its healing properties, including promoting tissue regeneration and supporting the immune system. It is also said to aid in detoxification, helping to purify the blood and remove toxins from the body.

  2. Emotional Balance

    Turquoise is considered a calming stone, which offers comfort and well-being. It is often used to relieve stress, anxiety and depressive states, helping to establish a feeling of serenity and inner tranquility.


Spiritual and Metaphysical Properties

  1. Protection and Purification

    This stone is traditionally worn as a protective talisman against negative energies and malicious external influences. It is believed to create a protective field around its wearer, purifying the aura and warding off the evil eye.

  2. Communication and Expression

    Associated with the throat chakra, turquoise is believed to facilitate clear and open communication. It would stimulate creative and honest expression, both in speech, writing and art.

  3. Wisdom and Mental Clarity

    Turquoise is also valued for its ability to enhance intuition and increase spiritual awareness. It is believed to aid decision-making by providing mental clarity and wisdom, particularly in complicated or confusing situations.


Strengthening Links

Turquoise is often used to strengthen bonds of friendship and love, believing that it brings peace and understanding to relationships. Its positive energy is believed to encourage harmonious interactions and support mutual understanding.

With its virtues and properties covering a broad spectrum, from physical and emotional healing to spiritual protection and awakening of consciousness, turquoise presents itself as a multifaceted precious stone. Its rich heritage and deep connections to the earth make it a gemstone with significant energy and symbolism, valued not only for its visual appeal but also for its potential to enrich the lives of those who wear or wear it. use in their spiritual practice.


To preserve the natural splendor of turquoise and maintain its energetic virtues, proper maintenance is essential. Due to its porosity and sensitivity to certain substances, turquoise requires special attention to ensure its longevity and brilliance.

Cleaning Turquoise

The best method for cleaning turquoise is to use a soft, dry cloth to gently remove dust and impurities. If deeper cleaning is necessary, use lukewarm water with a little mild soap and a soft cloth, being careful not to submerge the stone in water. After cleaning, be sure to dry the turquoise completely with a soft cloth to avoid any moisture buildup that could damage the stone.


Turquoise can be altered by exposure to chemicals, including perfumes, creams and cleaning solutions. Put your turquoise jewelry on last to minimize contact with these substances.

Being relatively soft, turquoise can be scratched easily. Store it separately from other jewelry, preferably in a cloth bag or lined jewelry box, to avoid direct contact.

Energy Recharge

Although turquoise can benefit from sunlight for energetic recharge, exposure should be brief to avoid fading. Moonlight is a gentle alternative to recharging the stone without risk of damage.

To reconnect turquoise to its earthly origins and revitalize its energy, consider gently placing it in the soil of a plant or in the ground, outdoors, for a few hours.

Purification with sage or palo santo smoke can also cleanse turquoise of accumulated negative energies, preparing it for a new cycle of use.

Caring for turquoise, while requiring some attention to detail, is essential to preserving its beauty and beneficial properties. By adopting gentle cleaning practices, taking precautions to avoid damage, and employing natural recharging methods, you can ensure your turquoise remains vibrant and energetically powerful. Cherishing and caring for this gemstone will allow you to enjoy its virtues for years to come, making it not only an aesthetic treasure but also a valuable spiritual companion.

Turquoise, with its celestial shades and rich cultural history, is much more than just a gem. It embodies a deep connection between heaven and earth, offering protection, healing and wisdom to those who wear it. Across civilizations and ages, this gemstone has been revered for its haunting beauty and metaphysical properties, playing a central role in many spiritual traditions and healing rituals.

By caring for turquoise through proper maintenance and respecting its specific cleaning and recharging needs, we not only ensure that its visual splendor is preserved. We also honor its spiritual heritage and strengthen the energetic bond that unites us to this ancient stone. Turquoise reminds us to stay grounded, while yearning to explore the vast skies of our existence.

Whether worn as jewelry, used in meditation, or simply kept as a talisman, turquoise continues to shine as a symbol of immortality, courage, and true friendship. Its timeless appeal lies in its ability to cross cultural and temporal boundaries, enriching the lives of those it touches with its unique light and color.

Thus, turquoise remains a treasure of the Earth, a gift of beauty and power which, cared for with love and respect, can offer its benefits across generations. Its presence in our lives is a constant reminder of the beauty of the natural world and our own ability to heal, protect and thrive in harmony.